Home Apocalypse Now

Conflict / Resolution

What you may not know is that Lara and I are two different people. She is a woman, I am a man; she is white, I am black; she gave birth, and I watched. As a result, we have different perspectives on the world. Occasionally, this leads to discussions, where we attempt to resolve our […]

Home Apocalypse Now

Almost Nearly Normal

Lara and I are once again at the pediatrician, not for any particular reason, just a routine visit, weight check and the basics. He is almost 10 pounds, 9.9. This puts him a little ahead of the preemie weight gain schedule. This is partly due to what I call rage gorging, whereby he grabs a […]

Delivery Week

Jaxon Versus …

So the most productive way to explain what Jaxon does on a routine basis is to show you. In the ‘Jaxon Versus’ series of videos, Lara and I get to share a snippet of typical Jaxon behavior. This is not to embarrass him at some later point in his life, no, we’ll save those other […]

Home Apocalypse Now

Happy ‘The Love Of Women’ Day

Mother’s day is on the horizon and may have happened by the time you read this post. As you know, this is the first mother’s day for Lara and if it weren’t for the hysterical levels of physical and mental fatigue she experiences on a daily basis, this would be one of those stupendous occasions […]