Delivery Week - Part 2

An ER Visit is Never Fun – Unless Clooney is in it

Unlike the landmark television show, which is entertaining, Lara needed to visit the ER last Friday. An ER visit is especially unwanted in the same week you bring home your infant. In the intervening days after being discharged and the ER visit had complained that she has been bleeding from her vaginal area for more than a week, had a fever, headache and generally felt unwell. She contacted the Midwives of Washington Hospital Center who instructed that she go to the emergency room. After many hours at the Georgetown University Hospital, she had a scan that revealed she retained products of conception.

You really have no idea what that looks like until you see it first hand. I happened to have seen it twice, I guess that makes me a bit of an expert. Products include the placenta, a manor of liquids, blood clots, etc. Typically, these items are expelled as part of the birthing process. In Lara’s case, she resident gynecologist, a I actually did take a picture of what came out of Lara but I’m not going to share it as folks may not be comfortable seeing things like that. If you want an idea, visit your local grocer and go to the meat section. If you have a butcher or live near a slaughterhouse, ask them. I’ll leave it at that.

There are two ways to resolve this medical issue, surgery or medication. Luckily (?), it looks like medication was administered. Lara is better now, thankfully.