Home Apocalypse Now

Outside Time

As a medical professional and an analyst, Lara and I took the Coronavirus fairly seriously. We didn’t want to risk she or I getting sick prior to delivery because if either of us tested positive, I would not be allowed to participate in the birth. Also, neither of us felt is was necessary to risk dying hanging around asymptomatic people. So it was with great fanfare and caution that the family took our first non medical related trip outside.

It was a bright and sunny day; spring peaking just under the soil like sprouting shy tulips. As this was our first official excursion, we had to prepare. This meant using the Baby Jogger stroller sent by my mom. This is one of the more popular carriages for baby, most certainly trendy and highly rated. Can you actually jog with it? No. Is it as heavy as a Mini Cooper? Not quite, but close. All that notwithstanding, doesn’t it look fantastic?

The preamble to going outside is to figure out how to do it.
How do you get Jaxon in the carrier? How do you put the carrier in the stroller? How do you get everything outside without dropping the baby? Serious questions. Anyway, we managed.

You only have one chance to make a first impression.

The first walk with Jaxon places us in the company of new parents in the community. In the before times, I would see these people, their babies and not think much of them. I’d be working on my fitness trying to get PR on my neighborhood 3-mile loop. Now, I’m walling behind Lara in those shoes I used to run nine minute miles. I’m like the freshman in high school trying to hang with the cool juniors and seniors. They walked down the streets with the confidence of well-rested parents, people who know the drill and are just popping their collars. They, for example, had the wherewithal to bring food for the baby, perhaps an extra diaper I’m sure. We brought a baby, isn’t that enough? Looking at a couple pushing their stroller across a street, we said “hello” with the same amount of glee a child would have if they saw Santa Claus. They may have acknowledged us with a head nod, maybe a blank stare. I call that a win.

Thank you all for your support.

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