Delivery Week - Part 2

Doubt Thou the Stars are Fire

Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.

William Shakespeare

Stars are made of elemental atoms and clouds of dust called stellar nurseries. Over millennia, these basic building blocks come together through gravity and other forces. With sufficient mass, specks of dust and gas grow hotter and denser until – with a blinding flash – they become stars. Most star that we can see are born close together in time and space. They are built from the same star stuff and if properly nurtured can prosper for eons.

We had Jaxon; he now has companion star.. We have a little girl. So much to say. Another star to come to us at 8:18p to bring light to our lives and a new sister for Jaxon.

Lara and baby are fine, recovering from an ordeal. More of a story to tell. Rest assured, that story will be told, but not tonight. Her road to get here was not easy and her challenges may even begin on the night of her birth. Nevertheless, she is a product of determination. Her birth represents the end of the beginning of her time in the inner world and the start of what we expect to be the start of a well-loved and well-lived life.

6 replies on “Doubt Thou the Stars are Fire”

Congratulations! We’ve been waiting so anxiously. Thankfully all are well. Can’t wait to meet her!

Yay!! I am so happy mama and baby girl are safe and healthy! Welcome tothe outside world, little lady! If your entrance into this world is anything like what your life will be, the world has better watch out!! Get some rest, everyone! Xoxoxoxo

Wow!!!! Congratulations!!!! 🙌🤩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Congratulations to you, Lara and Jaxon. Thank you Lord, God Bless you all, may He heal, strengthen, give you peace and rest for the best is yet to come! Love y’all🙏🏾🎈🎉

Congratulations and much love to this new little girl and her loving and beautiful parents! We are thrilled to have a 7th grandchild. She is truly a star, and I know a wish come true.

Congratulations dear Lara and Randall! Such a beautiful testimony and welcoming to this new star! Sending lots of love and hugs!

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